Meta-Learning Guidance for Robust Medical Image Synthesis: Addressing the Real-World Misalignment and Corruptions
Author: Jaehun Lee, Daniel Kim, Taehun Kim, Mohammed A. Al-masni, Yoseob Han, Dong-Hyun Kim, Kanghyun Ryu
Meta-learning guidance for robust medical image synthesis: Addressing the real-world misalignment and corruptions
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 2025, 121, 102506
Tool : Python
Github Link :
Author: Kyu-Jin Jung, Thierry Meerbothe, Chaunjiang Cui, Mina Park, Cornelis A.T. van den Berg, Stefano Mandija, Dong-Hyun Kim
A joint three-plane physics-constrained deep learning based polynomial fitting approach for MR electrical properties tomography
NeuroImage. 2025, 307, 121054
Tool : Python
Github Link :
Author: Seuk Kim, Mohammed A. Al-masni, Seul Lee, Sunyoung Jung, Kyu-Jin Jung, Chaunjiang Cui, Sung-Min Gho, Young Hun Choi, Dong-Hyun Kim
Unsupervised learning for motion correction and assessment in brain magnetic resonance imaging using severity-based regularized cycle consistency
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2025, 142(15), 109978
Tool : Python
Github Link :
Author: Siyun Jung, Soohyun Jeon, Sung-Min Gho, Ho-Joon Lee, Kyu-Jin Jung, Dong-Hyun Kim
Harmonic field extension for QSM with reduced spatial coverage using physics-informed generative adversarial network
Neuroimage. 2024.
Tool : Python
Github Link :
Author: Jae-Hun Lee, Jae-Yoon Kim, Kanghyun Ryu, Mohammed A. Al-masni, Tae Hyung Kim, Dongyeob Han, Hyun Gi Kim, Dong-Hyun Kim
JUST-Net: Jointly unrolled cross-domain optimization based spatio-temporal reconstruction network for accelerated 3D myelin water imaging
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2024 10.1002/mrm.30021
Tool : Python
Github Link :
Non-linear Conductivity Estimator
Author: Kyu-Jin Jung, Stefano Mandija, Chuanjiang Cui, Jun-Hyeong Kim, Mohammed A. Al-masni, Thierry G. Meerbothe, Mina Park, Cornelis A. T. van den Berg, Dong-Hyun Kim
Data-driven electrical conductivity brain imaging using 3 T MRI
Human Brain Mapping. 10.1002/hbm.26421
Tool : Python
Github Link :
Author: Jae Eun Song, Jaewook Shin, Hongpyo Lee, Ho Joon Lee, Won-Jin Moon, Dong-Hyun Kim
Blind Source Separation for Myelin Water Fraction Mapping using Multi-echo Gradient Echo Imaging
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 10.1109/TMI.2020.2967068
Tool : Matlab
Github Link :
Author: Mohammed A. Al-masni, Woo-Ram Kim, Eung Yeop Kim, Young Noh,and Dong-Hyun Kim
Automated Detection of Cerebral Microbleeds in MR Images: A Two-Stage Deep Learning Approach
Neuroimage: Clinical. Volume 28, 2020, 102464.
Tool : Python
Github Link :
Author: Sozzy Jung, Hongpyo Lee, Kanghyun Ryu, Jae Uen Song, Mina Park, Won-Jun Moon and Dong-Hyun Kim
Artificial neural network for multi-echo gradient echo based myelin water fraction estimation
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2021; Jan. 85(1):380-389, 10.1002/mrm.28407
Tool : Python
Github Link :
Author: Mohammed A. Al-masni, Woo-Ram Kim, Eung Yeop Kim, Young Noh,and Dong-Hyun Kim
3D Multi-Scale Residual Network Toward Lacunar Infarcts Identification from MR Images with Minimal User Intervention
Tool : Python
Github Link :
Joint Parallel Imaging reconstruction with Deep Learning for Multi-Contrast Synthetic MRI
Author: Jae-Hun Lee, Kanghyun Ryu, Sung-Min Gho, Ho-Sung Kim, Mohammed A. Al-masni and Dong-Hyun Kim
Joint Parallel Imaging reconstruction with Deep Learning for Multi-Contrast Synthetic MRI
ISMRM 28th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 08-13 August 2020. Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, Paris, France.
Tool : Python & Matlab
Github Link :
MRI motion artifact simulation tool (View2Dmotion)
Stacked U-Nets with Self-Assisted Priors for MRI motion artifact correction